Great Phone Offers With All You Can Eat Data |
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Archived Comments Re: Article Number 766879

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Archived Comments Re: Article Number 765609


This is an archive for older comments that were left on "All About: All You Can Eat Data with Three Prepay".


Please note that the comments listed below were archived so they could remain available but allow more recent comments on the original blog to become more visible.


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I use 3 Unlimited Broadband SIM Only at present. It has a monthly usage allowance of 750 GiB:

What is the allowance for All you can eat data if any?

I read the description of the plan that I want to switch to:

And the All you can eat data page:

I cannot find where the allowance is documented.


Do you have any kind of allowance for All you can eat data, similar to 750 GiB of the broadband plan above?

Can I expect to have the same network performance for All you can eat data and 3 Unlimited Broadband SIM only? I use 3 Unlimited Broadband SIM only in my phone at present.

3 Mod Retired

@MV Hello there 👋 The All You Can Eat Data allowance is linked to all of our mobile phone plans. With the All You Can Eat Data your allowance is unlimited, there's no set allowance like with the Broadband SIM-only plan that you're currently on. 


The 3 Unlimited Broadband SIM-only plan that you're currently on is supposed to be used in a router as this is how the SIM is set up. While the SIM may work in a phone we cannot guarantee it will.

If you're to switch to using the 3 Bill Pay Unlimited SIM-only plan as this is a mobile plan you'll get a mobile SIM. As part of the plan, you'll also get unlimited calls, text, & 60 units for calls or texts to international numbers.