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€2 Daily Pass for Legacy Plans

3 Mod Retired

€2 Daily Pass for Legacy Plans

Hello 3Community,


We have some customers who are on legacy plans that do not include All You Can Eat Data. When data usage is detected the €2 Daily Pass is activated. This €2 is for usage of up to 200MB per day and usage over 200MB is charged at €1.01 per MB. 


Here on 3Community our members have switched off mobile data and followed the checklist below;

  1. All mobile data off
  2. Wifi Assist and iCloud and Google sync/similar is off
  3. Push notifications are switched off
  4. GPS location switched off
  5. No MMS sent or received
  6. No long SMS ( wrapped to MMS send/receive)
  7. Automatic updates switched off
  8. Turn off background app refresh
  9. No external devices linked to your phone ( MiBand, FitBit, Smartwatch)
  10. No subscription text that contains bitly links

If you have received notification of this charge, let us know the time, date, and amount of data used, along with the type of phone you are using. Please comment below.




Hi Deborah


I have recently started having the same problem as everyone on this thread.


I was wondering if you could block mobile data from three's side for me please?

@Cabers Hey there, I can put a block if you like but this will stop all apps from working unless you're connected to WiFi, if you're ok with going ahead with this pop me a PM with your full name, address, number, & date of birth for the validation of your account. 


Hi, i am also getting charged randomly 2euro pass. please make it stop. I have gone through the checklist and rarely use mobile data. go it this morning and did not even use the phone, samsung a7. I do not want to block mobile data completely, just stop this 2euro deduction. 

@Azguk thanks for going through the check list. I appreciate it. By any chance have you recently changed phone? 


Hi,no i have this phone about 3 years. 

@Azguk thanks for that. I see you've ranked up to "scout". This has opened PM permissions for you. Please send me one with your name, number, address and date of birth, so I can look at your account. 



sent you PM


This is pretty frustrating, and it seems crazy to me that so many people (myself included) are being charged 2Euro despite having the mobile data switched off. 


Clearly this is not  a 'user issue' given that so many people report this. 

Surely Three should consider actually fixing? 

In the end, I choose to disable data altogether - but not after being charged needlessly. 




Hi Deborah,
I have reviewed my phone settings and I have these settings above switched off, such as location, push settings, automatic update. Any updates I do are from my house WiFi/virgin media , never public WiFi or the use of the 3 network. All mobile data is off. I put €10 on my phone on the 11th January 2022 - 14:21pm. The phone I am using is a Sony Xperia L1 I bought in December 2018.

14th January 2022 - 14:49pm €2

20th January 2022 - 14:21pm €2


I hope this info helps.



@Dylan_07363 hi there, and my apologies for the delay in getting back to you. Thanks for all the detail above . Has this started recently? Have you ever experienced this before on a different phone?