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Moving from billpay to prepay and keeping phone number


Moving from billpay to prepay and keeping phone number

Hi there,


I am nearing the end of my contract and I wish to move to a prepay account. When enquiring about this over the live chat I was told by two different agents that it was impossible to keep my phone number and that I would need to get a new one. When I called to confirm this over the phone, the phone agent told me that that is totally possible and no problem at all.


Very confused. The chat agent implied that I would need to change network to keep my number. I have had this number for more than 10 years. Does anyone know if that is true?


Are you on an old O2 plan? If that's the case, you'll need a new Three PAYG SIM (which will come with an 083 number) and then you port your existing number to it, as if you're coming from a different network.

Hey! No, not on an 02 plan, I am in the final month of 3 classic flex max 2 year contract.


Just was wondering how I could go about moving my number to a PAYG account after, but two seperate agents were adamant that this is not possible.

@sarahjanep the day after your contract has expired send me a PM with your full name, mobile number, full address and date of birth and I will help you out with the transfer to prepay 👌