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SMS - Low balance notification


SMS - Low balance notification

Hi, this is Cristian.

- Pay as you go-

Im not quite sure if this matter concerns to anyone else.. but the SMS notification about low balance, is sent at the same moment that you can figure it out by yourself that you already ran out of balance.... I mean I think that could be better if I could be notified 2 days before that it actually happen (to give an example)... So I could have the chance to TOP UP while I still have data....


So far today I went out, and 15 minutes later has arrived that msg but didnt have any chance to top up untill I get a place with wifi...


Its no a big deal .. but i think that you can improve this...


Thx have a good day 😃



Theft is the right word. They've got at least a couple of hundred off me.

Totally agree with you. I have lost loads of credit due to this issue..