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ongoing trouble logging into Three website


ongoing trouble logging into Three website

Hi, I've had trouble for the past two months trying ot log in to the website ever since I had to change to using an email username. Ever time I return to the website I have to go back to the beginning or logging in using Google and being in the two stage verification process. I have contacted support and ever time they seem to fix it on the day but by next day I am back at the same place again. What can I do? Thanks

3 Mod Retired

@jtimoney_08576 Thanks for reaching out and I'd love to look into the investigations that have already been opened for you. To do that I'll need access to your account so pop me a PM with your phone number along with your full name, address and date of birth. We'll take it from there 👍



HI Three_laur, I've sent you a PM so let me know during the week, Thanks, J

@jtimoney_08576 Good morning 👋 I see your PM and I'll pop back to you over there 😃