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App Review: Couch Potato to 5km Run Trainer

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Couch Potato to 5K Run Trainer has been around for a while and is one the most famous running apps that you can download on your smartphone. Have you always enjoyed running or have you steered away from this beneficial exercise? I find running great both for my mental and physical health, and decided to start making small changes to help me on the road (excuse the pun) to my 2024 goals.






How it works

Once downloaded, the app is super easy to use. Screen 1 opens on Day 1 of your training and all you need to do here is click Let’s Go.


Day 1 is a 25-minute workout, with 5 minutes of walking to warm up, 1 minute of running rotating with 1.5 minutes of walking for 15 minutes and finally a 5 minute walk to cool down and stretch. Sounds easy when you are reading it doesn’t it? By the third round of 1 minute runs, my blood was pumping and I was feeling the burn, but as they say – no pain, no gain!


You continue this pattern throughout week 1, which consists of 3 workouts. On week 2, the ante is upped! After your 5-minute warm-up, you have got 18 minutes of running/walking patterns ranging from 1.5 minutes to 1-minute runs and 2 minute and 1 minute walks. I felt I was ready for this by week 2 and was starting to enjoy running again.


Cost-wise, the app is free for the first 3 months and if you want to continue after that, it is €4.99 per month. I feel that after the 3 months, I will have my own routine and may not need the app any longer, but time will tell.


The Benefits

  • Quick and (relatively 😉) easy workouts. 25 – 30 minutes 3 times a week is do-able for most of us.
  • It’s cheap, all you need is a comfortable pair of runners and some earphones.
  • You can check your history at any stage to see just how far you have come since Day 1.






















  • The countdowns are great when you are finding that you just can’t go any further! The countdown in your ear will spur you on for those last few seconds until the time to walk arrives.
  • Headspace. Running is great for keeping in shape and weight loss, but I equally enjoy the headspace it gives you. Pop on your headphones and away you go.
  • Badges. The boost that receiving a virtual badge from an app can give you is amazing. It’s nice to look back at your collection in the Wins tab, too!


What are the ratings?

Google Play users give this app 4.7, while App Store users go a step further with a massive 4.9 rating, and with over 4 million downloads that’s pretty impressive!


Where can I get it?

Google Play  👉 click here 

App Store  👉 click here


If you are looking for an app to motivate you to get out and moving, I would fully recommend this one. I’m just over 2 weeks in, and I’m already seeing an improvement in my fitness. Some days, it’s hard to wrap up and get out there, but it’s worth it afterwards, and you will feel very proud of yourself!


Let us know in the comments below if you try it out, we would love to hear your opinions!