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Account PIN


Account PIN

Where do I find my account PIN. 

The robot chat won't let me get past this point! 

3 Mod Retired

@DWN Hello 👋 I'll help you out here. If you can't remember the PIN that was set up when the account was opened, pop me a PM with your phone number, full name, address and date of birth and I'll take a look 👌



Hi Laura, 

I also do not no the PIN number for my account so can’t add it to My3 account, can you help?

@Brendan_03647 Sure thing! Pop me a PM with your details and I'll help you out 😃



** Need the Pin for my second account


** Edited by Mod

Hi @Add_73497, as you can see I have edited your post to remove your account number. It's always best not to post anything personal on a public board.


We can help you with your pin just pop us a PM with your name, address and date of birth so we can pull your account. 


Hi Stacy. I have a similar problem, I'm trying to message you but can't find how. My email is *****. Thanks.


Edited by Moderator

@Gary_93046 Hi Gary, I've edited your post as it contains your email address. It's best not to post personal information publically for security reasons. You'll need to rank up so you can send a PM. 


You can increase your rank by commenting on posts, creating new posts, & kudos/liking comments. Once you rank up you'll get a message to notify you & you'll need to log out & back into the Community & you'll be able to PM us directly.



Hi, I need to know my pin as well. Any help would be great

Hey @347520490  , Welcome to the 3Community 🙂


I'd love to help you with your pin just pop us a PM with your name, address and date of birth so we can pull your account.  


As you're new to the Community you'll need to increase your rank to send PMs. You can increase your rank by commenting on posts, creating new posts, & kudos/liking comments. Once you rank up you'll get a message to notify you & you'll need to log out & back into the Community & you'll be able to PM us directly. Or if you'd prefer you can contact customer care on 1913 or by clicking here to chat to our messaging team