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Unlimited broadband only 1mb/s


Unlimited broadband only 1mb/s



Yesterday I ordered the 4G unlimited broadband package. Modem was quickly delivered today and installed.

But I am not getting decent download speeds at all.

On average I'm only getting 1mb/s... can't even get a normal skype conversation.

Modem is upstairs right next to the window with the closest mast around 650m from here, in Dublin 16.


The sim in my phone at the same time can get around x30 or x40 the speed. 

I understand 4G speed can fluctuate but 1mb/s is really way too slow.


On my three account I couldn't even see the plan yet. It was showing up for 2 seconds before going to error 403. It also is showing 150GB data instead of the Unlimited(750gb fair usage policy) ?

Can it take some time for the speed to pick up or reflect the correct plan?

3 Mod Retired

@Xynoz Hi there πŸ‘‹ these are a few things that we can take a look at. Firstly, the mast that you're closest to may not be the mast that you're connecting to, you're possibly too close to get a signal from that one and we can check that here. Secondly, your My3 account is definitely something that I will need your details for, can you PM me your broadband number, full name, address and date of birth πŸ‘‰ click here . The 150GB you're seeing is for the time you signed up until your billing cycle date, when you reach that date it will show the full allowance πŸ‘