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Why does 3 block messages to pieta, a suicide prevention hot


Why does 3 block messages to pieta, a suicide prevention hot


I don't know why they cut hotine? To "hot"

3 Mod Retired

Hi Tom, there would not be any block set up on Threes side related to Pieta House. Can I ask if you receive an error text when attempting to contact?

If you attempt to contact Pieta via text, you receive a "Not sent, tap to
try again" error. This error does not go away, even if you still have full
text allowance on your account.
Pieta is currently completely inaccessible if you are on prepay.

Thanks for clarifying. Standard network rates apply when texting Pieta House. These standard network rates are not included in your allowance. Due to this, you'll need to top up to send the text message. Alternatively, you can call Pieta House directly for free.

I'm sorry, but that is not good enough. This is not made clear during the
sign-up process. It actively blocks users from getting help when they are

"you can call Pieta House directly" is not a viable option when it comes to
a suicide prevention service.

Also; "you'll need to top up to send the message" is frankly tone-deaf when
referring to a suicide prevention service.

This is a standard network rate which applies to texts sent from any network to Pieta House. You can view full details of this on the Pieta House website here. I do apologise if you felt the suggestion to call the Pieta house was not viable and I did not mean any offence by this. As they offer a free phone number to reach them you wouldn't need to have credit on your mobile phone to call this number which is why I offered the suggestion in my previous response.

This is still not good enough.