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Deleting my O2 mobile account...

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Deleting my O2 mobile account...

Hi.  I've got 2 Three-related accounts created on the site, a mobile-phone 086 account and a Broadband account.  What I need done is have the 086 account deleted entirely as I don't need it (I can top-up anywhere) and its existence makes accessing my Broadband account hell - I could elaborate but I won't!  I just want that damn 086 account deleted and the one & only email address I have ever used on assigned back to my Broadband account.


I tried doing this online via the Chat feature, spent close to an hour trying to explain to someone in India what the problem was, only to end up having him refuse to delete the 086 account when I couldn't tell him precisely when, where & by how much, my last top-up was.  Needless to say, I was not amused.


So to circumvent that hurdle, I just topped-up yesterday (15th August) at a Mace shop - €10 credit.


So, would some kindly Three person rid me of that infernal 086 account asap???

3 Mod Retired

@Anonymous  Hiya 👋 I can certainly ask our tech team to look at this for you 👍 Pop me a PM with your mobile number, full name, address and date of birth along with the email address for the account you'd like deregistered and I'll get the ball moving for you 💪