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All About: Winning with Three+

3 Mod Retired

Have you ever wondered about the process behind Three+ competitions? We’ve gotten a few questions about it over the years, and we’ve made some changes, so we thought it was about time that we put it in writing. Here are answers to some of the most common questions we receive 👇




  • Who picks the winners?

We used to use 3Party, but now the Three+ team pick the winners. We do not know who you are, or other personal details. The only thing we use in the selection process is your Three+ profile ID. For the sake of picking winners, you are just a number but to us, you are a valued, loyal customer.


  • How are the winners picked?

I’m sure there is some intelligent programme/algorithm that takes all the Three+ profile IDs that entered each competition and selects the winners at random. But that's way over my head, so I’d like to think that the “Profile IDs” are popped into a hat and selected that way! Totally at random. Just so you know, there are loads of online tools for random selections, if you need it for a party or Secret Santa at work!


  • How are the winners contacted?

When the winners are randomly selected, there are about 20 Three+ IDs per prize. We then match the IDs up with your contact number and our Limerick-based Telesales team will call you. So here is the thing; if you don’t answer, our team moves onto the next number and so on, until we have a winner. This is common practice right across a lot of businesses. As @LauraH  said in her blog, “Why is Three calling me”, make sure you put our Telesales number 061203660 in your phone contacts.


  • What happens next?

Some customers have wondered if they will be contacted a second time to arrange delivery of the prize. Put simply, no you won't be! We won’t contact you again, we’ve got your details and will send you your prize. If you have won a digital voucher, the standard delivery is by email so keep an eye on your mailbox, including your subfolders. For a physical voucher, it is sent by post, and for a phone, it is sent by courier. Bear in mind that sometimes things don’t go to plan and there are delays but we aim to have your prize out to you within 3-4 weeks. Feel free to touch base with us if you haven’t received your prize within that timeframe. 


  • Who do you contact if you have a question about the prizes or Three+?

That one is easy! Just join the Three+ Group hub and start a topic, or maybe your question has been asked by another member and answered by one of the Mods or Three_Expert. If that’s the case, give it a like 👍


  • Why have I never won?

It’s the luck of the draw. Three+ competitions open each calendar month. For the month of March 2022, there are 9 fantastic competitions, that you can enter, just the once. I have bought a lotto ticket most weeks for the last 15-20 years, and I’ve never won. Again, the luck of the draw 🙂 Keep trying, though!


  • Three+ Winners list

We contact the winners a few days after the month has ended. So, January’s winners are contacted in early February, February’s winners are contacted in early March, and so on. Once all the winners are contacted, the list is published here on 3Community. When everything goes as planned, the winner's list is published around the 20th of the month.


We hope this blog has answered your questions about the process behind Three+ competitions, and if you do have more in mind, why not start a topic in the Three+ Group Hub, here ❤️