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Where’s the list of winners?


Where’s the list of winners?

Just wondering where the list of winners are? Struggling to find it?


No problem, do whatever you want with it. The data speaks for itself.

Just be mindful of data protection (GDPR) if you're planning on posting the list of names outside of this forum. I know the 'winners' allowed their names to be published, but I wouldn't be posting external to this forum just in case things escalate. 

The best thing to do here is to call Three and tell them you want to make a complaint (not feedback) about competition fixing and not following asai regulations. Three are bound by regulation to escalate any complaints. 

Man is doing Gods work, I feel vilified in my query also as this does not seem right, and the response I got from 3 to my query was less than sufficient 


It would be very unlikely for three to blatantly fix a competition. It is more likely that the players have found ways to enter more than once and significantly increase their odds. There are many professional competition entrants out there. They spend their days entering competitions on social media and win very regularly. I do think Three should investigate and see if the winners are entering more than once. 


Me too can't find lists anywhere ??

I rarely see any foreign surnames 🤔

I'm sure 3 have lots of Polish customers but rarely any winners. Not ver proportional what I want to say.

 Anne Marie McCarthy - Business planning specialist at Three Ireland

Hopefully it's not the same person that won 4 times. That's from her Linkedin profile. Would be awkward.

I googled 4 time winner:

Anne Marie McCarthy
Business planning specialist at Three Ireland

Might be just coincidence 🤔

Good work.

As a Polish I wonder was there any Easter Europeans amongst winners?

 Being a Devils Advocate, Anne and McCarthy are common names. I know 3 Anne McCarthy’s myself. Anne Marie’s is a different name to Anne.