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Let’s talk about ... 😉

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Let’s talk about ... 😉


There’s so much talk these days around Coronavirus, COVID-19, and government restrictions. It’s essential that you take care of your physical and mental well-being. With that said, has any coined the term #COVID-14 yet?

My cousin and I came up with this via WhatsApp video call during the first lockdown. This is allegedly the extra 14 pounds gained due to lack of exercise from restricted availability of facilities, less movement, more food, and in some cases WFHYip I am guilty of it all.


With level 5 here for another few weeks and no large parks within 5K, other sources of activity and available facilities needed to be found; determination to stick to WFH guidelines 👉 click here and throw in healthier different food choices. Now you have a recipe for avoiding #COVID-14 this time round 🏆


The best way to find available facilities is through good aul' Google maps. Check what’s near you by selecting “ Explore Limerick” or where ever you’re from. You’ll see a few different options including attractions and parks. This feature is more accurate if you have your location switched on.


Oh wait 🤔 The Internet is a facility and so is 3Plus.  I went for a free 12-week subscription to L1VE courtesy of 3Plus and if that’s not your cup of tea you can opt for Yogaia. You can find plenty of exercise routines on YouTube or as an app via Play Store.




Forgot to mention, you can use your 3Plus Intersport Elverys discount online too. No harm in getting 15% off the latest sports gear.


Here’s a little tip for those who are working from home; remember those commutes, where driving to work takes over 50 minutes to drive 10 KM? How about substituting some of those minutes for a quick walk around the block before and after work? Not only are you getting the blood pumping to your brain cells but you’re getting fresh air and vitamin D ( sometimes) 😎


Keep an eye on our Welcome and Announcement board for updates during restrictions click here 


Do you have any tips about staying healthy during level 5 or just let us know how you're managing the second lockdown?  Comment section below ❤️