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5G ZTE MC801A Issue with Xbox Strict Nat and Upnp not workin


5G ZTE MC801A Issue with Xbox Strict Nat and Upnp not workin


I have had my 5g router about 6 - 8 weeks now. 
No issue with speeds or connections. 

When i got the ZTE. I had to enable UPnP. This still didnt work for Xbox. 
So Xbox ip was put in the DMZ. Boom.. Nats Open.. All working fine. 
As i said.. no issues after this for 6 weeks. 

Then 2 weeks ago. When there was a 3 outage / network issue. .. We use 3 in work.. So i know there was an issue. 

The ZTE is now always on strict. 
Upnp no longer works at all.. and DMZ for Xbox doesnt even work. 

Router reset to Factory default. 
Same issue.. 
It looks like CG NAT is been enbled on the default 5g network now. 

I have added every APN i can look up on the internet for three and open NAT

Can some one please tell me WHAT is APN for a proper NON CG NAT enabled network. 

i got this 5g for my xbox. If i can not play it with strict NATS.. Then i will be returning the product. And citing non service and not paying any contract cancelling fee due to non open network. 

There has to be at least ONE .. non CG NAT enable network on threes side. 

please send me the APN details for this. 

Or other wise send an engineer. So he can look at it.. See that there isnt a single thing he/ she can do that i havent already done.. And still have the same issue. 

As i said .. Worked and was fine when i signed up.. Something changed on 3s end.. and now its not the product i payed for. 

Please just remove the CG NAT off the 5G 

I also have a 4G one for work, THis is also the same. So please dont say its an issue with the ZTE. This is a carrier issue. NAT has been enabled on the carrier side. And its breaking. 

There is no way .. that this hasnt been logged by other Xbox users. 

Again. Please send the APN for the open network. And not one with CG Nats on it.. 



Same issue here! I just thought that it is because of not having Static public IP but after contacting customer support and receiving static IP APN problem has not been fixed. Only thing that changed is that when I keep using "Test connection" on my PS5 it will eventually swap from NAT 3 to NAT 2 for few minutes but then reverts back to NAT 3 and kicks me out of the game. I tried every possible solution I could think of (even connected PS5 to the outdoor unit directly) and still NAT 3 which 100% confirms that the problem is on providers side not the home device. 

Also as Derek pointed out the external IP (my ip at the moment 😄 is not the same as the WAN IP(WAN IP that my outside unit is connected to When I try to connect to WAN IP I get another ZTE admin interface which I guess is the three transmitter outside on the road which has NATing set to make everyone's devices connected to it NAT Strict. 

APN they gave me for static IP: open.internet.public.static
I would love to contact support about it more but since this forum is set to get "rank" to PM someone then I'll keep calling their customer service line. 

3 Community Admin

Hey everyone, thanks for your patience on this and I appreciate your patience in allowing me to look into this further. Unfortunately, I don't have an update on this query currently. As of now, I don't have troubleshooting steps that I can provide to help resolve this however the networks team are actively working on a solution to this and as soon as I have this I will be popping back here on this thread.

Thanks Niall. I realise it's not your fault and you're just the messenger but it sure feels like Three is telling us to just go jump. Really disappointing. Three mobile internet is my only option where I live, but next time I move I'll have to cancel and look for a provider that has a track record of consistent service without sudden degradations. 

Sadly there is nothing that you can do about it but whatever group within three that is managing and setting up the transmitters since problem is configuration of three's transmitters and not three end users. In theory it is easily fixable problem but it seems like three's internal bureaucracy is preventing anything to be done about the problem. 

Hey @Robin_88991 & @BrNcO , while I can understand your concerns I can assure you that the network team are continuing to investigate a resolution to this query and as soon as I have more information I will be popping back here with this update. I appreciate your patience while I work with the team to get a resolution to the above query. 

Any update on this ? I signed up last month , as it is advertised as suitable for gaming . Clearly it is not . 

I didn't even realise that was part of the advertisement! If so, it'd be grounds to terminate the contract early and demand a refund. It's a shame but after half a year of radio silence from Three, I have lost hope that they'll ever restore the service to its former quality. 


From there website 

Yeah, you definitely can't consider gaming needs "covered" with strict NAT.